Monday, October 11, 2010

Found a new giveaway

I was looking though the blogs and ran across a great one. I haven't had a chance to look through it really well yet but she has some great potholders and coasters for a giveaway.  You should check it out.

If anyone has a place they like to look for gift patterns please let me know. I am looking for kitchen stuff to make to go in my basket.

Thanks and have a great night.



  1. Hi Teri,

    Thank you for visiting my blog, leaving a comment AND blogging about it. I haven't looked yet, but did you fill out the form to enter? I hope so. Making the form was, to me, more fun than making the potholders and coasters. If you do giveaways . . which it oloks like you do, this would be something worth looking into.

    Also, you madwe me do a double-take. I was brnand raised in Indiana . . mover to Western NY 4 years ago after ai retired. One of my closest friends, from work, is named teri also . . and she is a Colts fan, and she follows my blog. When I checked you out, I found out you are another Teri . . .ow cool!

    Must go and check out some more blogs . . qill add yours to my list to follow"0}

    \0/ paula
    from Confessions of a Crochet Pattern Slut

  2. I saw that you said that you were from IN. I have always lived here. I don't see me living anywhere else but you never know what will happen when the kids get older.
